Dicas de Manutenção

Monthly Home Maintenance Tips

By |2021-03-15T21:14:06+00:00março 15th, 2021|Dicas de Manutenção|

The most important thing when it comes to home maintenance is regularly checking your home for preventing and identifying problems that may show up over time, doing this often will help you prevent major damages and will be more cost efficient in the long run.So here are 6 monthly tips in order to keep your

HVAC System Maintenance Tips

By |2021-03-08T03:40:09+00:00março 8th, 2021|Dicas de Manutenção|

Preventive maintenance on your HVAC system is extremely important to prevent hazards, ensure that your equipment is efficiently running all year long, and to avoid expensive maintenance costs down the line. Here are some tips: Ensure the indoor and outdoor components of your HVAC system are clean and free of any possible debris. On a monthly

Manutenção do Amaciador de Água

By |2020-05-10T21:45:30+00:0010 de Maio de 2020|Dicas de Manutenção|

Even the best water softening system needs regular upkeep to make sure that it functions properly, efficiency and for a long life. Here are some tips to add to your water softener maintenance plan: 1. Check the salt level in the brine tank about once a month, or according to your

Manutenção Do Aquecedor De Água

By |2020-05-10T21:27:43+00:0010 de Maio de 2020|Dicas de Manutenção|

The maintenance of your water heating system is extremely important to extend the lifespan of your equipment, reduce the cost of operation (electric or gas), decrease the heating time and the noise during operation. Try to perform the maintenance on your equipment on the following one or two weeks after the main water flushing